Monday, September 27, 2010

Makeup Bags 2

Here's one more photo, they wouldn't all load into one post. Oh, well!

Makeup Bags

Here are pictures of the makeup bags I made for our party in August. They definately turned out cute!

Graduation Quilt

Here is the graduation quilt I made for my brother this past June. I got all the fabrics from JoAnn's, although I did manage to pull quite a few from my stash!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I made this pillowcase from 2 remnants I picked up at HL and one (the polka dot) from my mom's stash. :) They are so fun and easy to make!
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Cute Alpaca!

This was one of the alpacas at the Woolly Works Knit Shop.
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First Post

This will be the blog we use to post our finished projects on!